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Alumni Spotlight: René Pastorek

René graduated from the MURP Program in 2014 with a concentration in Housing and Community Economic Development. He currently works as Planning and Zoning Manager for St. John the Baptist Parish where he works to balance day-to-day operations with long-term community goals. One of his favorite planning projects in this role has been the development and implementation of a historic preservation program for the Parish which promotes sustainable growth rooted in history and culture. As part of the project, René worked with four MURP Capstone students to survey and propose recommendations for protection of over 700 historic structures across the Parish. The work helped to build a stronger partnership between UNO and local government while giving the students valuable hands-on experience. René also serves as Treasurer for the APA LA Metro New Orleans Section where he hopes to build a larger interest in planning from a variety of professionals and students.

“Find your passion and build a career on that. The best part about planning is how broad it is as a discipline, so it’s never too hard to find your niche.”

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